The veal industry is a small community of family farmers and experts that work together to provide care for their animals and a high-quality protein for grocery stores shelves and restaurant menus. Being a part of this industry as a nutritionist is something that Dr. Sonia Arnold takes pride in.
Dr. Sonia Arnold is the Manager of Nutrition, Research, and Quality Control for Marcho Farms, Inc. located in southeastern Pennsylvania. Dr. Arnold now lives and grew up in PA on a small dairy farm. She received her Bachelor of Science in Dairy Science from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Then she went on to receive her Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from the Pennsylvania State University.
She now works for Marcho Farms, Inc. managing quality control of the milk replacer formulas, grains, and supplemental products, used to raise their milk-fed veal calves. Her role also includes over seeing research performed with the calves. She explains “most of these trials revolve around changes that can be made in the feeding and care program. In turn these changes help the calves to achieve their full potential for health and growth.”
Overall, Dr. Arnold’s favorite part of her job is using her knowledge to improve the lives and wellbeing of Marcho Farm’s partner-farmers and calves. “Farm life can be hard, but it is also very rewarding when calves are healthy and growing well and the farmer is profitable.”
Not only does she enjoy working for the industry ensuring veal calf health, but she also enjoys the nutritious product at home. One of her favorite dishes to enjoy with her family are veal medallions with a cream sauce. She uses a Steak Au Poivre recipe and replaces the filet mignon with veal medallions.
“It [the veal industry] is a small industry made up of a network of individual families that care about the animals they are raising. Purchasing veal allows the consumer to be a part of supporting small family farms,” shares Dr. Arnold.
To learn more about milk-fed veal calves or to find more information about cooking with veal at home, explore!

Dr. Sonia Arnold walking through a veal barn checking on the calves