Veal Industry Update – 05.11.2020

Veal Industry Update – 05.11.2020

May Veal Blog


The Checkoff funded veal promotion program partnered with Holly Sanders of Taste and See to create a new veal recipe, Easy Veal Lasagna.

Lasagna is one of those wonderful dishes that keeps on giving long after the first serving. Perfect just out of the oven, or days later as leftovers, it’s a fan favorite any way you slice it.

Why not try this fun and spicy Mexican version.


USDA Reports No Residue Violations for Formula-Fed Veal

The USDA released national tissue residue data for food producing animals for 2019. The report, also known as the “red book,” is published every year and highlights the test results from domestic inspection and reinspection sampling plans. There were no residue violations noted for formula-fed veal. The veterinarian-client-patient-relationship (VCPR) is foundational to the Veal Quality Assurance program and it helps ensures high standards of animal care and antibiotic stewardship. Participation in the VQA program by veal growers raising milk-fed veal and oversight by veterinarians is clearly delivering on the industry’s commitment of safe, quality veal to consumers. The Red Book reports residues continue to be an issue in bob veal calves. These are the calves that are marketed directly from dairy farms. Implementing Best Management Practices for dairy bull calves is essential for reducing these residues.


Looking to save time? Why not try the cook once/eat twice experience with delicious recipes from the New York State Beef Council: Veal Marsala and Veal Marsala Pizza.


President Trump Signs Executive Order to Keep Meat and Poultry Processors Operational.

President Trump signed an executive order on April 28 declaring that meat and poultry processors meet newly established criteria under the Defense Production Act. Under the order, USDA is directed to ensure America’s meat and poultry processors are able to operate uninterrupted to the maximum extent possible. USDA is directing meat and poultry processing plants to operate in accordance with the CDC/OSHA Guidance for Meat and Poultry Processing Workers and Employers to facilitate ongoing operations, while mitigating the risk of spreading COVID-19. Accordingly, establishments will provide written documentation of mitigation plans for review by the USDA-led federal leadership team, which consists of representatives from USDA, CDC and the Department of Labor. The USDA-led federal leadership team will review documentation provided and work in consultation with the state and local authorities to resume and/or ensure continuity of operations at these critical facilities.

Discover Veal Blog Addresses COVID and Meat Safety

Is Our Meat Safe? Janeal Yancy, PhD, University of Arkansas, addresses that question in a new blog post on Veal Farm. The information addressed is very timely given the current COVID-19 circumstances. We greatly value your efforts to share it with others through your social media channels.

Crisis Communication Webinar May 27

The Crisis Communication Workshop has been rescheduled as an online webinar for May 27, 2-5 pm Central. Back in March, we were prepared to provide an in-person workshop for the veal industry. We all know what happened next. The COVID-19 pandemic unleashed itself on our country. Its far-reaching impact from health to our economy is a crisis like no other. The webinar will provide a platform for industry representatives to review and discuss the framework of a crisis preparedness plan, reflect on their own action and responses to COVID-19, and then specifically explore effective communication strategies to implement now and in the future. To register for the online workshop, please reach out to


USDA Announces Additional Food Purchase Plans. 

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced details of $470 million in Section 32 food purchases to occur in the third quarter of fiscal year 2020, in addition to purchases previously announced, which will enable USDA to purchase surplus food for distribution to communities nationwide. These Section 32 purchases will provide additional support for producers and Americans in need, in response to changing market conditions caused by the COVID-19 national emergency. The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) will purchase a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy and seafood products. Specific purchase amounts for each commodity are included in the chart below. Purchases are determined by industry requests, market analysis and food bank needs. AMS will begin issuing solicitations in June and intends to begin deliveries in July. Details on how vendors may participate are available on the Selling Food to USDA page on the AMS website. Solicitations will be posted to the AMS Open Purchases Request website once available. Industry requests for future purchases using Section 32 funds, including potential plans for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2020, will be assessed on an ongoing basis. More information is available here. 

FSIS Extending Deadline for Temporary Allowances for Labels Going to Retail.

As a follow up to FSIS’ March 27, 2020 Constituents Update announcement, the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is extending its enforcement discretion an additional 60 days until July 26, 2020. FSIS is clarifying that the enforcement discretion the agency is exercising for certain labeling described below is temporary for an additional period of 60 days and will not require establishments to submit labels for temporary approval. Establishments will only need to submit labels for temporary approval if there are other deficiencies that FSIS will need to consider on a case-by-case basis, such as formulation changes that affect claims or export labels now intended to be used domestically. Temporary approval will be granted if the label meets the conditions for temporary approval in 9 CFR 412.1(f). FSIS will provide additional information on labeling issues in the future if necessary. 

USDA Purchase Programs May Be A Business Continuity Opportunity During Uncertain Times.

Businesses continue to adapt to the changing economy during the pandemic. Many have shifted their business models from wholesale to retail due to restaurants and fast casual dining prohibiting “dine-in” experiences. Government procurement contracts may be another means of revenue that companies should consider. USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) conducts several procurement programs on an ongoing basis. These programs purchase a variety of 100 percent domestically produced and processed commodity food products. Meat and poultry products are included in these programs and the products for purchase vary based on the program. Additional information on the programs is available here.


Center of the Plate Training Scheduled for August.

Center of the Plate Training is a two-and-a-half-day course designed to teach the fundamentals of meat specifications by providing a first-hand look at how carcasses are converted to cuts commonly used in retail and foodservice. The learning experience includes a detailed cutting demonstration of all the major center of the plate protein items: beef, veal, lamb and pork, as well as sections on poultry and processed meats. Participants will come away with an increased knowledge of center of the plate items and a personal copy of the Meat Buyer’s Guide®; for over 40 years, the authoritative Guide to meat and poultry identification. More information is available here.

The training is scheduled for Aug. 18 – 20 in College Station, Texas. These dates are pending travel and group gathering advisories due to COVID-19 spread in the United States. We are fully committed to the health and safety of everyone who attends our events. We are following guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and state and local governments regarding the coronavirus and will provide regular updates to all stakeholders as the situation warrants. Please check the Meat Institute website in early June to confirm class availability. For any questions regarding COP or any NAMI events, please contact us at